Wednesday, November 16, 2005

AJC: Georgia Baptists vote to cut ties with Mercer

Baptists vote to slash Mercer ties | "The Georgia Baptist Convention voted Tuesday to sever ties with Mercer University because it no longer shares 'common values and mutual trust' with the Macon-based school.

The decision, which Mercer's president called 'tragic,' represents the biggest crisis in what has long been a tempestuous relationship between the convention and its flagship college. Convention leaders said Georgia Baptists have complained for years about Mercer's leadership and the denomination's inability to control its board of trustees."

Mercer is a great university, with a strong theology school. Admittedly, they are a bit moderate. But the cranky hard-right conservatives running the Southern Baptist convention in Georgia these days can't abide it. Part of the problem was the revelation that there was a gay/lesbian support group on campus, which was shut down earlier this week. But that wasn't good enough for the wackos, the taint is still there. Just disgusting. This has to be ratified by another vote next year, but if I was Mercer, I'd be glad to get outta there.


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