Monday, December 19, 2005

Talking Points Memo: Josh makes a good point

Talking Points Memo: "From perusing a few headlines it seems the White House and some editors are taking to arguing that surveillance or domestic wiretapping is necessary for national security, that it saves lives.

Of course, it does. What a stupid thing to say, or for the White House, what a disingenuous thing to say.

Wiretaps are conducted around the country every day. The FISA Court alone approves something like a half a dozen a day in highly classified national security or espionage related cases.

The only issue here is why the president decided to go around the normal rules that govern such surveillance, why he chose to make himself above the law."


At 1:28 PM, Blogger mikevotes said...

True. If you lock everyone in America in in Guantanamo, there would be no terrorism.



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