Thursday, March 09, 2006

Daily Kos: Ken Blackwell's Blog Caught Scrubbing Super Secret Post

A diarist on DKos catches Ohio's Blackwell at a secret far-right group: "What is this group, and why is it so determined to avoid the public spotlight?

A little internet digging (mostly facilitated by a post from February 2005 right here on Daily Kos, 'Sith Lords of the Ultra-Right' brought out a lot about 'The Council for National Policy'.

The CNP was founded in 1981 as an umbrella organization of right-wing leaders who would gather regularly to plot strategy, share ideas and fund causes and candidates to advance the far-right agenda. Twenty-five years later, it is still secretly pursuing those goals with amazing success.

Since its founding, the tax-exempt organization has been meeting three times a year. Members have come and gone, but all share something in common: They are powerful figures, drawn from both the Religious Right and the anti-government, anti-tax wing of the ultra-conservative movement.

It may sound like a far-left conspiracy theory, but the CNP is all too real and, its critics would argue, all too influential.

CNP's first president was Tim LaHaye famed millenialist preacher and writer of the Left Behind series of popular books about the 'end-times' and the Second Coming of Christ. LaHaye,like the whole of the nation's Religious Right leaders, nurtured a strong contempt for the First Amendment principle of church-state separation, because it seriously complicates their goal of installing fundamentalist Christianity as the nation's officially recognized religion.

Many members of the CNP are part of the Christian Recon�struc�tionist movement. Reconstructionists espouse a radical theology that calls for trashing the U.S. Constitution and replacing it with the harsh legal code of the Old Testament. They advocate the death penalty for adulterers, blasphemers, incorrigible teen�agers, gay people, 'witches' and those who worship 'false gods.'"


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