Wednesday, April 12, 2006

AMERICAblog: WaPo spins Cheney's boos

AMERICAblog compares the WaPo report with the pool report (and see link to video below): "The Washington Post is reporting that Cheney was booed today at a baseball game for throwing out a bad first pitch.

The first pitch of the Washington Nationals' second season at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium was low and away, bouncing in the dirt before being scooped up by catcher Brian Schneider. For that, Vice President Cheney received a round of boos from the home crowd this afternoon.

Uh, no.

According to the pool report from the game, Cheney wasn't booed for throwig a bad pitch, Cheney was booed from the moment he stepped out onto the field. He was booed because the fans don't like him, not because they simply didn't like his pitch."


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