Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hollywood Split Over Mel Gibson's Future

Hollywood Split Over Mel Gibson's Future: "A stunned Hollywood debated the future of one of its biggest stars Sunday as a sheriff's watchdog launched an investigation into a possible cover up of a leaked report that quoted Mel Gibson unleashing a tirade of anti-Semitic remarks during a drunken driving arrest.

One media expert said Gibson irreparably damaged his career with his 'crazy' behavior following his arrest by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies in Malibu early Friday. Charges of anti-Semitism were also leveled against the actor-director with the release of his 2004 blockbuster 'The Passion of the Christ.'

'It's a nuclear disaster for him,' said publicist Michael Levine, who has represented Michael Jackson and Charlton Heston, among others. 'I don't see how he can restore himself.'

The entertainment Web site TMZ posted what it said were four pages from the original arrest report, which quoted Gibson as launching an expletive-laden 'barrage of anti-Semitic remarks' after he was stopped on Pacific Coast Highway."

Of course "The Passion" was decried for its anti-Semitic spin on the crucifixion... and now we knowwhere that spin came from.


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