Tuesday, August 29, 2006

AJC Radio Blog: Prepare for two-second spots

Rodney Ho reports on his AJC radio blog:
A few decades back, marketers experimented with subliminal advertising, which proved to be of dubious utility. But in this day of ADD and TiVo, not only has Clear Channel Radio pushed 30 second ad instead of 60 seconds, they are offering TWO second ads. Yes, a whopping TWO seconds long!

According to the New York Times, on Sept. 10, all 1,100 of Clear Channel’s stations... will air two-second bursts advertising the Simpsons’ debut for Fox. Every half-hour you may hear Homer’s “Woo-hoo” or something along those lines for two seconds. The senior VP for Fox Kaye Bentley told the New York Times compared these ads to pop-ups. They go by so fast, she said, you can’t avoid them. Fox ais also using such “blink” ads for the premieres of “Prison Break” and “House.”


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