Wednesday, November 01, 2006

AMERICAblog: Tables turned on apologizing

AMERICAblog has the latest: "UPDATE: CNN just reported on Howard Dean's and Harry Reid's demands that Boehner apologize. CNN contacted Boehner for a response but hasn't heard back yet. This should be fun.

Howard Dean just issued the following statement:

Dean: Boehner Owes Military An Apology

Washington, DC – Today during an interview on CNN, House Republican Leader John Boehner blamed the military for the problems with the Bush Administration’s failed Iraq policies. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement calling on Boehner to apologize to the men and women in the armed services for his irresponsible election year rhetoric:

“After the Bush Administration’s numerous failures in Iraq, to blame our brave troops is just wrong. John Boehner should apologize immediately. Once again, Republican leadership is pointing fingers rather than taking responsibility for their failures. Our brave troops deserve better from Republican leaders like Don Rumsfeld, John Boehner and Dick Cheney.”"

This after Sen. Kerry sheepishly, finally, apologizes. Kerry seems to have the tinnest political ear.


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Bravo 2-1 said...

Kerry is a liability.


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