Colbert, O'Reilly Face Off on Both Shows | AccessAtlanta
Colbert, O'Reilly Face Off on Both Shows | AccessAtlanta: "'The Colbert Report' and 'The O'Reilly Factor,' the top-rated program in cable news, were taped one after another early Thursday evening, with 'The Factor' airing at 8 p.m. EST and 'The Report' at 11:30 p.m. EST.
Once inside Colbert's studio — decorated for the occasion with a large 'Mission Accomplished' banner and a portrait of O'Reilly placed fireside — O'Reilly seemed to be regretting the decision.
'This was a huge mistake, me coming on here,' he muttered.
It may have been a greater error allowing Colbert into the Fox News headquarters, located near the 'Colbert Report' studios in Manhattan. There, Colbert smuggled a microwave out of the green room, a bounty which he proudly displayed at the conclusion of his show.
A spokesman for Fox News confirmed that Colbert stole the microwave, but said it was all in good fun."
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